By His Grace and For His Glory

Hope Kids Orphanage

Hope Kids Orphanage in Kabanana, Zambia

Hope Kids Orphanage


God tells us in James 1:27 that pure and undefiled religion is to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction.  In the providence of God, three years ago I discovered a poor, small church outside Lusaka, Zambia in a township called Kabanana who are taking care of over 24 orphans.  I found them just at the time when they had lost all of their funding.  What was I to do?  Could I just say God bless you and walk away?  The situation of the children set heavily upon me.  As I was praying concerning this need, it came to me, I trust from the Lord, to tell of the orphans’ plight to a broader audience. The entire need for their food, clothing, education, and some medical service is $73.00 per month per child.  If just 50 of us would give $35.00 a month we could meet the need.  Bethlehem Baptist Church will pay the fee to get the funds there, so if you give a dollar, a dollar will get to the orphans.  If desired, everyone who gives will be given a full accounting of funds.  In this season of hope and giving, will you consider giving hope to 24 orphans.  Please send your gift of any amount to Bethlehem Baptist Church 838 Reid Rd., Laurel, MS 39443 or use the donate button above.

Thank you,

Dr. Cary Kimbrell, Pastor